Al Zorah Vip Massage Spa

Vietnamese Massage

60 min
100 AED
90 min
160 AED
Vietnamese Massage is an innovative way to purely incorporate the best quality bamboo stalks of varying lengths. It is normally warmed at room temperature. The longer sticks are created for larger muscles like the back and thighs. The smaller tools, on the other hand, can be used for trigger points and smaller muscles. This powerful body massage is offered as an exotic and rejuvenating treatment, leaving you with a unique experience. The Vietnamese Massage cane is held by the professional therapist who gently rolls over the muscles, with the same stroke level that they would create with their hands. From improving sleep quality, clarity of mind to improving the stiffness in joints and increasing sleep quality, this kind of massage comes with many blissful benefits for a sound mind and body.
Based in Ajman, Al Zorah offers its customers one of the best trained and certified masseuses who, apart from welcoming you with excellent hospitality and a tranquil environment, also leave you with smoother skin in addition to relaxing your muscles. We gladly offer a 60 and 90-minute session of bamboo massages, with the former being priced at AED 100 AED and the latter at AED 160. We believe that customization is what boosts customer satisfaction. Our professionals always see to it that they provide a personalized experience. Simply drop into our spa center or check out our website for more information.